Chessable x FIDE Academy
Our Students And Coaches Love Chessable Classroom
Woman Grandmaster
“The FIDE Chessable Academy is an excellent opportunity for kids from all over the world to take classes with GM’s and learn new things/improve our game. My experience with virtual classes is very good and rewarding, I love that they are interactive.
On the other hand, Chessable is a very good platform to study, improve your game, be consistent and see results in due time. It is an honor to be a part of this.”
GM Mikhail Kobalia
Chairman of the FIDE Trainers Commission
“In my time, we could not even dream of seeing such strong trainers online and learning from them. We want you to learn a lot from different people.”
GM Thomas Luther
“As a lecturer I can give the kids the floor, they can take the voice, they can talk, they can explain to other kids, they can show something on the board.”
What is the Chessable FIDE Academy?
The Chessable FIDE Academy is a joint training initiative by FIDE — the international chess federation — and Chessable — the world’s leading chess e-learning platform. Our mission is to help up-and-comers become the best players they can be. This 2024, over 400 promising youngsters from over 80 national federations will enjoy free access to Chessable courses — plus exclusive lessons from the world’s top coaches.
World-Class Chess Training
Every week, students will access live lectures by licensed FIDE Senior Trainers. Our coaching roster includes renowned Grandmasters such as Artur Jussupow, Mikhail Gurevich, Ramesh RB, Melikset Khachiyan, Alexey Dreev, Antoaneta Stefanova, and others.
Trainers at previous in-person camps included 5-time world champion Vishy Anand, GM Artur Jussupow, and GM Alexey Shirov.
Powered By Chessable Classroom
Live lectures will take place in the Chessable Classroom. It’s our comprehensive online chess coaching platform, which combines face-to-face interactivity with the convenience of virtual classes. Easy for trainers, easy for students. Thanks to thoughtful features students can stay engaged throughout the lesson and participate more actively.
Make Sure to Register on Chessable to Access Your Classroom
Dear Students, Chessable Classroom is available to you once you are registered on Chessable. All classes are live and take place in this virtual environment. Interactive board and features as well as live video ensure that you get the maximum out of your lessons with your coaches. So make sure to sign up to Chessable for free to get started.
“The Chessable FIDE Academy is a partnership between Chessable, the world’s leading chess elearning platform and FIDE, the international chess federation. This year over 400 of the most promising young players between the ages of 8 and 16 representing over 80 national federations will get access to free Chessable courses and free lessons from the world’s top coaches and trainers inside Chessable Classroom. We are proud to kick off the next season and look forward to another great year of chess learning.”