But if you haven’t taken the course, it’s the perfect time - because today it’s on sale for up to 50% off. Learn to easily spot tactics like this one and much more with this user-favorite from GM Maurice Ashley!
1.Qd8!! A cross pin for Christmas! 1...Rxd8 is impossible as Black’s king would be in check. If 1…Rxa7, 2. Qxd5 wins Black’s queen. Black can try to delay the inevitable with 1…Qd1+, but 2. Kh2 Qd6+ 3. g3 and it’s lights out. No matter what, White is winning heavy material!
Make sure to check in tomorrow for a new treat!
December 6th
GM Yasser Seirawan is hosting a FREE 2 hr Masterclass on December 13 for his fans! To join simply own 7 or more of his courses.
Pssst, all of his courses will be on sale this month in case you're missing one!